GlassRoots - Newark Glass Arts Center
GlassRoots - Newark Glass Arts Center
GlassRoots - Newark Glass Arts Center
Prism Club

DEIA Statement

GlassRoots Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility


GlassRoots is a glass art-based organization that passionately embraces the vibrancy and diversity of Newark and the greater Newark community. We recognize the profound strength that arises from the diversity of ethnicity, language, differing abilities, socio economics, sexual orientation, and gender. We are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and equitable haven for youth, specifically those, system-impacted, from underrepresented groups. 

Our glass art initiatives seek to break barriers and provide a transformative community that meets people where they are and where creativity knows no bounds. Our community centers the voices of our members, instills confidence and self-growth, and promotes unity. 

GlassRoots stands as a beacon of acceptance and understanding with a deep investment in community where differences are celebrated, and each unique story contributes to the rich tapestry of our artistic community.